Thursday, January 20, 2011

Social Withdrawal

I am currently on day four of Social Networking Deactivation!

I do have to say that I am less stressed and don't really miss the "networking" thing. What an utter waste of time people spend on these sights liking, and commenting, and blocking and stalking.

I have enough going on in my day at work, that I would find myself on Facebook all night seeing what everyone is doing.

Keeping track of people that I don't even talk to in person on a day to day basis is very tiring. I am just one person who can only be in charge of my why do I care about all of these other people actions?

And people just complain (not that I'm not complaning in this post but it is my post and I want to vent to myself!). Quit complaining that you have to go to work today, or complain that you are fat because you are pregnant, and stop checking at places in to let me know where you are at; don't friend me if you never talked to me in person, and don't friend me to be a friend collector.

I guess all this being said maybe I'm not the social butterfly that I thought I used to be...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Growing old...or Forever Young?

So at times I wonder why I don't feel old yet? Granted 26 isn't really OLD but I never thought it would hit me that I am getting older

Then today it started. I decided to take a mental break from work while I was on a never ending hold and check my personal emails.

There was an email from my favorite 10 year old cousin! She sends an email from time to time letting me know what she is doing, but this email was different.

She sent me an email to solicit for Girl Scout Cookies, of course I want to buy some but I thought she would have called. Don't get me wrong my typical method of communication is email or texting as I spend a good part of my *eight* hour workday on the phone, so most days I'm not huge on phone calls.

So I sat back, caught my breath and started to think she was growing up and I was getting old.

I then started to reply, letting her know I would get back to her soon with an order. And then it really hit me...I'm not old at all, my cousin is just really advanced for her age!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Giving another try...

Well since I haven't been here in 23 months, I thought I would waltz back in to give this another shot.

After all it is a new year, and it can be time for change. Let's see if I take control or let life get to me again but I am looking forward to letting out my thoughts and publishing here!